Retreats in Daily Life

Retreats in Daily Life are organised for both groups and individuals, in work-places, colleges, parishes, local areas etc. We aim to work ecumenically with a wide cross-section of participants.
These retreats entail praying privately each day for a period of time, plus regular meetings with a trained prayer companion. They are rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola - a series of Scripture-based, Christ-centred meditations and contemplations which help us to explore our felt experiences both during and after prayer, so that we can learn how to discern and know God’s action in our lives.
Retreats begin with an introductory meeting for all who are taking part. Retreatants are introduced to some ways of praying which they may like to use during their retreat. They then arrange a mutually convenient time and place to meet with their individual prayer companion. At these meetings, which usually last for about half an hour, the conversation focuses on the retreatant’s felt experience of prayer. The prayer companion will also suggest readings and approaches to prayer for the next week. There is a final meeting for everyone which concludes the retreat.
The retreats are usually spread over a number of weeks, with companions and retreatants meeting individually each week during that period.
We can also arrange Retreats in Daily Life for individuals via online platforms such as Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime as well as by telephone. If you would like to make such a retreat, please contact us, specifying which platform(s) you are able to use.
Read what our past retreatants have said:
"Here in Italy I was wondering about doing something which might help me feel closer to God. I knew about the retreats in the UK because of family connections, but there were none like this in Italy. I found the online option perfectly suitable for me, in consideration of the fact that I didn’t have to move from my home to reach a fixed place of retreat.
Even though my retreat was in English, not my first language, I found my guide, a wonderful lady, full of contagious joy, and very patient and understanding, the best possible testimony of an authentic faith who helped me to follow a new way of praying. No doubt, I’ll spread this information to my acquaintances wishing to enjoy an experience like mine. Very many thanks. God bless you!"
"It really helped my personal discipline, knowing that I would be accountable each week to share my experiences of the time spend in prayer/reflection. It was a joy to be able to share how God had spoken to me during the week – each week I had a positive experience to share"
"I enjoyed the meditative/contemplative approach, which is different from my normal devotional time. It was also helpful to have suggestions from my guide for specific passages to reflect upon"
"Being really listened to – really heard"
"I think that my prayer guide was especially skilful at keeping her own thoughts and convictions out of our discussions. She was able to listen empathetically to allow me to explore what I wanted to say"
"Quality time with a very helpful Prayer Guide. Most helpful was his remembering and reminding me of insights from previous weeks – helping linking"
"Newer for me has been imaginative prayer and I’ve gained a lot from this. It has enabled me to link ideas from art and poetry with the words of those sections of scripture to which I applied the technique. I have valued being able to make my own suggestions regarding choice of passages".